20 april 2009

Meatless Monday - Inspiring a Movement

OBS: Filmen du kommer att se är väldigt amerikansk. Väldigt mycket amerikansk. För mer info om kampanjen för köttfria måndagar, besök http://www.meatlessmonday.com/

2 kommentarer:

  1. Det är trevligt när man inser att en idé man själv funderat på redan har realiserats av någon annan. I mitt fall hade jag snarare fastnat för onsdag, men måndag går väl lika bra. :)

    Synd bara att det är en hälso-/miljökampanj, och att det ger råd som "Consume fish, especially oily fish, at least twice a week."

  2. http://rigainternationalgolfclub.webs.com/


    I am a Swedish golf Professional who have lived in Riga,Latvia for 4 years. I have worked as Head Coach for the Latvian National Team. During these years the situation for the average Latvian has gone from bad to worse. Especially for the children with different handicaps its terrible situation, nobody cares about them. Also the animals have a difficult time. The politicians are only worried abut how to keep filling their Swizz bank accounts. Now I have started a project to try to find money to do something good for the children and animals in need here. I don’t want to go thrue the politicians or managers, I want to go directly to the teachers and ask what they need to be able to do a good work. And by things needed in the animal shelters. .


    If you can help in any way, I would be greatly thankful!!

    Kind Regards

    Håkan Svensson


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